We play fun fractal games then discuss participant agreements and a new landing page for EdenFractal.com 🌊
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Date: April 12th, 2023
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Eden fractal 45
0:08 Dan opens meeting, Dan shares presentation, proposals from previous meeting, Vlads proposal. Vlads interview w Patrick, Eden ejection, Eos punks by Pascal. 2 topics proposed this week by Dan 1-eden fractal participation agreement 2- Eden
4:10 lennie might be reducing his attendance due to being chief delegate, but will be back
6:30 Dan starts breakout rooms
6:48 Lisa speaks to gnome about alien world. Speaks about alien world proposals. Lisa explains a little on alien world.community
9:54 Dan thanks Lisa for update.
11:55 Marco same thing he does every week. EVM code, scouring EVM and ENF is finding now. Understanding what’s going on in ecosystem.
16:01 Gnome introduces himself, gives background. CPO of origin, working on US network, lead developer on new antelope IBC. Joined Eden fractal because he’s been working with Mathias on a set of tools, also with Vlad on Zeos. Seeing if he can help, working on a proof of work. Looking forward to participating more.
19:36 Pascal spoke of EOS punks, nfts, introduced last week. Being dropped every 2-3 days. First initiative to give to all elected delegates.dropping some to Dan so he can give it to Eden fractal members. Talks about IBC and how it could be used. Super importsn5 to have governance Building social blogging platform Thiago Re, great things happening in ecosystem. Wants it to grow on any blockchain, building it cross community
24:17 Duane participated in Eden election, used Eden process as a use case. Wanted to use it for alien world. Supporting eos synergy support. Trying to bring governance to alien world with Eden process.explains value of process, can see how we can branch out to other communities
29:15 Melissa just joined, invited by Lisa. Plan on getting more involved. Works on other blockchains. Wants to get in and start learning.
29:57 Dan welcomes Melissa, explains how room works, offers to send welcome info. Welcomes Evgeny as well. First six people will participate in consensus
Dan shares presentation working on landing page on Eden fractal website, making it represented much better. Detailing what Eden fractal has been accomplishing a d explaining what we’ve been doing. Produced video from each meeting, put together stories about elections, eos punks. Reaching out to bjorn . Goes in details on apps and introductions. Put together articles. Participated in Eden election, aiming to attend consensus conference to promote eos and Eden fractal. Aquadac, working with Lisa for an alien world fractal.
39:50 Lisa happy to report for Eden, ran on eikee, Including using Eden fractal. Gave details on eikee communities, explain the gaming end. Demonstrating how to build better worlds in these games, proof of concepts. Super important to have governance , wants everyone connected.
45:58 Marco forgot to mention he became a level 1 delegate, 10 %funds going to Spanish fractal, another 10% going to Stephan EOS nation, another 10% live world live
46:46 Dan thanks Marco for supporting Jorge Spanish fractal.
47:36 Evgeny wanted to wish a happy space day, most important holiday. Eos building a better future, congratulations to all
48:33 Dan , responds to Evgeny, happy space day. Starts consensus, shares link to fractal chat.
Voted, level 6- Gnome, level 5-Lisa, level 4- Duane, level 3-Pascal, level 2- Dan, level 1- Marco, delegate-Gnome
1:08:01 Return to main room
1:09:32 Dan welcomes everyone back to room. Explains for newcomers what’s coming next.
1:11:02 Perry comments on fractal gram issue with Tadas, it wasn’t updating vote and then it moved to next vote. Everyone else saw something different. That was his experience. Tadas responds ,in general it takes a little time to update due to telegram service. Not much can be done about it.
1:14:19 Dan shares his presentation, talks about topic proposal and explains how to make new ones. Cagendas consensus games. Re proposing participation agreement , link posted in live telegram chat. Two simple terms , speaking English and sharing videos. Encourages everyone to use telegram live chat instead of zoom chat. Details participation agreement. Eden
is next topic. Landing
1:20:00 Marco comments on some words on participation agreement.
1:21:45 Dan reads out participation agreement to clarify. Dan explains the need for this agreement. Marco feels that wording may turn some people off, will think about it more
1:25:03 Tadas agrees with Marco, phrasing might turn some people off, it might make some people scared to try. He would remove the words at all times
1:27:19 Eric suggests put intent to learn English as an idea, Dan
1:27: 51 Dan comments on necessity of English, needs to set boundaries. Need to have a degree of fluency to get these things done.
1:30:44 Perry chimes in thinks it’s an excellent proposal to talk about. Perry is going to try going to the Spanish fractal to see what it’s like. He speaks some Spanish, trying it as an experiment.
1:33:38 Dan reads out chats, pascal good to have one language to reach consensus. Not enough delegates to vote. Will update participation on agreement google document or notion. Part of the agreement is agreement on videos, Explains he is sharing videos each week and this does include some liability. As we grow it’s necessary to have these protections. Doesn’t think it’s feasible to not have an agreement in the future.
1:37:15 Perry agrees, Dan is taking a lot of liability by accepting role of host as it grows. Need to cover host or who ever is recording
1:38:36 Rosmari fully agree, this is needed. It’s in simple terms to have something agreed on.
1:40:49 Tadas thinks the first iteration of the agreement should pass, sees no reason for not pass. Just formalizing what we are doing. Interested to hear from Patrick or Vlad on why they feel it shouldn’t pass
1:42:05 Dan reads out chat from Patrick, confirming he’s not voting. Patrick comments in chat other things needed to be done before this. Dan thinks majority of community in support of this agreement ,
1:43:25 Marco comments unless those 3 words removed he wouldn’t vote for it. Dan agrees removing those 3 words can easily be done. We can always add things as needed in the future
1:45:40 Perry encourages whatever we do that can be reasonably interpreted by an AI bot
1:46:28 Dan comments on AI chat , quote all wisdom AI has comes from human beings. Asks for any other questions on agreement. Will propose it again next week, a,so put it in a google doc or notion this week
1:47:57 Tadas came up with suggestion, simply state each party agrees to use English language. Removes harsher requirement, sounds softer. Shared in telegram chat.
1:48:55 Dan agrees it’s good, asks for opinions or suggestions.
1:49:30 Noam suggests separating into 2 different proposals
1:50:27 Dan, comments good point, he’ll take feedback into account, will propose it that way next week. Dan comments on Eden fractal experiences, when same language they can communicate and collaborate better
1:53:49 Dan reads out chat from Lisa, zoom has a system , alien worlds has a global translators that can be used.
1:54:24 Lisa just wanted you to know as counter point to that, was just telling Michael Yates in chat the reason fractally is so amazing is because amongst disagreements we can create lore and have fun. People deciding things together makes it enjoyable. Multi media exploring, anytime need help with translators she Would be happy to invite them. Fun project
1:56:00 Dan reads out chat, thumbs up and claps. Ask about video thoughts on agreement or go on to next topic. In terms of agreement , 89% support
Starts Sharing Eden
presentation landing page. Updating and improving, details what it already has and improvements needed. Inspired to put together a landing page, details his improvements. Everything is notion, so people can make comments.planning to raise funding, we’re building incredibly helpful tools and have the need for more funding. Working with other communities to bring Eden fractal. Hoping to attend consensus, to share Eden fractal and gain funding.
2:10:00 Perry thinks it’s highlighting the role of the host, what influence the host has. We don’t have a mission but landing page seems to decide. Host is going to need a defining rule set, thinks it’s going to be an AI robot, a single person defining a group doesn’t seem to make sense.
2:12:53 Dan briefly responds to Perry, doesn’t see what’s controversial. We have discussed what people write on their own websites.
2:14:05 Tadas the way he sees it, Dan creating this website has nothing to do with him bring a host. He created it as a contributor, Eden fractal operates where people offer their contributions. It’s Dans website, it can be used and should be used to inform about Eden fractal. He doesn’t agree with Perry, if we clarify mission statement, then he would expect that Dan would make changes.
2:16:39 Perry asks to consider what he’s done with d news, the fact that he tried to introduce decentralized editing and a mission statement
2:19:14 Dan welcomes Jza, responds with a centralized vision you can move faster. There is benefit to moving faster. For example , if this landing page can help communicate with other communities like alien world , up,and or the ENF to raise more funding, that could be a good trade off. This was discussed like 20 weeks ago. We had consensus and Tried to make it clear that all social media accounts, websites, services and software are all operated independently. Community members are always empowered to make their decisions. He is not aiming to making dictate community decisions nor is that what he’s proposing. These are his suggestion and visions.
2:21:47 Douglas comments we all have separate project, we have the option to share
2:23:11 Dan clarifies some members are not eden on eos members.
2:23:50 Rosmari asks Perry what the question is, Perry responds he was responding to dans presentation and the role of the host. It has an oversize influence. At some point, w3 need to decentralize the role of the host. Feels D news has the answer to that. Suggesting to work toward a decentralized configuration, giving editorial control
2:29:19 Gnome, pretty new to Eden fractal. Important to recognize work, personally applauds anyone that comes up with work. Kudos to both Dan and Perry. Agrees role of host is a privilege role. Thumbs up with anything that helps the group. His idea on website content.
2:32:43 Perry said he will try and make a proposal for next weekend
2:33:27 Tadas first off, feedback on landing page. Thinks it looks great, should start using the new one. In answer to AI, thinks it’s too early. Anything that could replace Dan would require alot of resources. Officially Dans role is moderator, we passed a proposal to give him that role. We have rules on how we could replace if necessary. Doesn’t see any problems
2:35:59 Dan shares responses, thanks Tadas for feedback. Happy to hear more feedback, aiming to help community as much as possible. Regarding AI, listening to a lot of videos. It’s fascinating, within several years it’s possible but will require lots of resources. Regarding D news, looking forward to proposal, clarifies his understanding of it. Notion can provide more community input, reads out from Lisa concerns on AI.
2:40:05 Lisa mentions she’s a little distracted , there’s someone in a telegram group, AW interplanetary council that is attacking some of them for trying to set up a governance experiment. Desperately needs fractally, invites people over to see what she’s dealing with
2:40:39 Dan asks Lisa for the link to attend. Dan explains his working with Lisa and others to empower their community and experimenting with Eden fractal consensus.congratulation to Lisa and Vlad about their being elected in planet eyeke. Encourages everyone to support volunteers.
2:42: 43 Dan starts to wrap it up, everyone prepares their hats.
Go Eden, fly EOS
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Music by Kjartan Abel. More details at EdenCreators.com/attributions
Please Note
These show notes are an early work in progress and will be updated soon. We’re excited to make more detailed show notes to share the amazing progress of our community but are working with limited resources so some notes are much sparser than desired.
In this future we plan to create with many well produced videos, stories, and pictures from each meeting. You may wish to also view earlier show notes to gain a better understanding of the potential. Thank you for watching and reading. Enjoy!