Date: June ____, 2023
Table of Contents
Please Note: These show notes are an early work in progress and will be updated in the future. Enjoy!
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Add this section to the eden fractal template so that each new show note page automatically includes a description of how cagendas topics work. ] Consider including the links to cagendas and welcome articles for more details. add intro about creating topics with cagendas on consortium ◦ for example if people want to propose recommendations for alien worlds • review cagendas and welcome articles ◦ consider copy and pasting a few helpful sentences here or rewriting them
00:00 Welcome!
0:09 Dan opens meeting, gives presentation, reviews previous EF. Topic game proposed first optimism fractal event.
4:11 breakout rooms
4:55 Dan, Eric conversation on you tube videos of eric hosting
9:40 Perry pushing forward next version D news, attending every Eden meeting. Attending chief delegate meetings, details steps in dynamics of meeting censorship free
13:07 Eric gives update on interplanetary unconference, open mic nite, fractal palooza, governance channel , documention info
17:51 Joe attended aquadac meeting, helping w writing interplanetary unconference, upland fractal group upcoming details
21:18 Dan shares screen, gives presentation on optimism fractal, details article, links w Eden fractal. Retro pgf proposal, optimism website, optimism tools. Optimism community call, figuring kyc details.
36:20 Dan comments on msig delay issues Consensus Level 6-Joe level 5-Eric , level 4-Dan , level 3-Perry Delegate-Perry
42:27 Perry comments on vlads web app, has one button that needs to go
47:00 return to main room
48:06 Dan gives presentation on cagendas topics game. mentions last weeks agenda proposal passed Lisa and Duane as planet eyeke custodians. Dan shows adjusting topics by week. Optimism proposal, pomelo pitch session, Eric’s open mic session, Vlad update on new fractal app.
1:00:45 Dan talks about optimism fractal event, soft launch, conversation continues on timing and possible conflicting events. Questions on why optimism from group, Dan gives his answers. Group all gives input on optimism fractal launch.
1:12:29 Tadas comments that our fractal can help optimism build a stronger community, our communities are very aligned. Fractal helps evaluation if funding. Retro pgf could use our fractal tools
1:17:59 Eric does a breakdown of reasons why, collaboration, centralization, community building and funding decision making. Eric asks which of these is most important. Which one does optimism need more
1:19:41 group conversation continues on optimism, fractally helping making optimism funding decisions better
1:23:20 Rosmari the most value optimism will receive is hearing opinions and weekly contributions, encourages increased public goods, having a specific event bringing others together. Optimism lacking events weekly
1:26:37 Dan explains what optimism has currently, relatively short calls presently.
1:27:31 Eric recaps conversation breakdown, better finding decision for optimism, more info, more participation, better spreading optimism culture through community building
1:27:59 Dan reads out comments from chats
1:29:34 Perry mentions optimism website, need to be aligned pledging to sustainability of public goods. Describing what we’re doing here is advantageous for optimism
1:31:41 Tadas funding decision is not the most valuable, our use cases go beyond just funding. Tokenization of reputation, consensus on chain on individual reputation.
1:34:51 group conversation continues, questions on how optimism funding system works.
1:35:55 Dan gives high level over view of optimism funding system.
1:39:36 Perry highlights any decentralized system importance on who controls it,
1:43:16 Gudasol comments important to use correct words, gives his opinions system of respect and reputation
1:47:40 Dan shares screen overview of optimism, optimism fractal, optimism calendar of events, Perry’s page comment, optimism decentralization, L2beat technologies, op stack, open mic nite next, optimism Twitter , optimism fractal website.
1:54:11 Dan starts closing meeting
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Music by Kjartan Abel. More details at