EF 39: Using Notion as a Collaborative Tool
How can Notion help us cooperate? After playing fun consensus games, Rosmari presented inspiring ideas and we discussed tools for collaboration! 🧱
Date: March 1st, 2023
Please note that these show notes are a work in progress and will be updated soon.
Table of Contents
- EF 39: Using Notion as a Collaborative Tool
- Highlights
- Notion
- Overview of the EOS Network
- Spanish Speaking Fractal Fork
- Tadas’ New Mission Article
- Topics
- Timestamps
- Related Posts
- EF 38: Vision, Mission, and Agreement
- EF 37: Participant Agreements and More!
- Eden’s Mission
- Mutually Benefitting from Misaligned Goals
- Attributions
- Thanks for watching! Enjoy!
Rosmari presented inspiring ideas about cooperating with Notion and the community engaged in thoughtful discussions about collaborative tools for the full cagendas hour. The conversation explored various details about the potential benefits, features, and dependencies of Notion, as well as alternative tools like Github. You can watch Rosmari share the presentation at 1:07:19 and navigate the timestamps below to hear perspectives from many community members.
You can learn more about Notion at Notion.so. Notion is a productivity app that allows users to create notes, databases, to-do lists, wikis, and more. It is a versatile tool that it is widely used by many individuals and successful teams.
Overview of the EOS Network
Marco introduced a new timeline with a high level visual overview of the EOS network on w3briefs.com. The timeline provides links to momentous events throughout the network’s five year history and accompanies countless articles that Marco has written about EOS since 2018. You can watch Dan show the timeline at 4:38, hear Marco share thoughts about how the timeline can help communities at 5:27, and view the timeline here.
Spanish Speaking Fractal Fork
Jorge shared a celebratory update about the Spanish Fractal, which recently held their twenty-fifth meeting and integrated Eden Fractal software on the EOS Network. You can watch Jorge share the inspiring update at 2:01:07 and you can see the forked code on the Fractal de Lengua Hispana GitHub repository.
Tadas’ New Mission Article
Tadas wrote a new article called ‘Inherent conflict in defining mission statements for a democratic organization’ with thoughts about the flexibility of missions. The article inspired thoughtful conversations in the Eden Community telegram chat and a follow up post with more details. This article will soon be added to the Eden Creators articles about Mission and Vision.
0:15 Dan welcomes everyone, recaps last weeks meeting , mission and vision. Share’s presentation from EdenCreators.com, Eden Fractal 38. Article on Eden fractal vision. Four topics on agenda, most votes proposal from Rosmari using notion as a tool. Mentions Marcos timeline with links to different to events
5:27 Marco comments the timeline can help community
6:40 break out rooms start
10:59 Dan gives his presentation. Shares screen, edits video, producing Show notes, sharing highlights. Shows article on vision, made two proposal, mission to help collaborate, and participation agreement. Updated both proposals. Hosted Eden town Hall, went into details . Had meetings with Vlad and Rosmari, both were recorded. Eden fractal brain storming session. Spoke with Michael years from alien world to integrate Eden fractal, Also spoke with Dominick from hypha to integrate Eden fractal
16:16 Pascal launched Thiago re 2 weeks , explained what Thiago Re is, gives details. Believes in social finance, publish on Thiago Re and get rewarded in many platforms. Trying to get fractal governance in other platforms. Content is a valuable thing.
20:58 Vlad comments Thiago Re looks interesting just wondering about tokenomics, what’s the algorithm. How is fiat token distributed between content creators
21:20 Pascal replies Thiago Re uses level two of hive blockchain, smart contract. Use Thiago token which is the power and the power to give. When content is liked, someone could give. To give power to those who share. His intent is to have Thiago Re fractal. The more Thiago power, the more his vote weighs. Plan is to get it to those who attend Thiago Re fractal meetings.
23:45 Vlad and Noam ask question to Pascal to clarify, high respect holders dictate who gets rewards, respect can be traded, it is liquid. Pascal goes deeper into answers. Goal is to go between Thiago token and eos token. Thiago token at this point only on hive. Next is to get Thiago on eos
27:20 Dan asked Pascal about his showing Noster ( bitcoin network) how does it relate.
28:06 Pascal responds to Dan he wants Thiago Re to be on that platform, blockchain based social platform. Would love content to be published on other networks , finding a way to bridge communities
31:22 Noam gives his presentation, doing a lot of reading, attended brainstorming session. Comments on brainstorming session and how it fits together. Lot of correspondence with Dan. Gives his take, need to think long term for Eden fractal. More needed in mission statement. Hopes for an executive summary for beginners
35:12 Vlad asks Noam why he doesn’t like wallets, Norm responds to Vlad with his security background. Vlad explains best practice to maintain security
46:16 Vlad mostly focusing on Zeos, privacy protocol, at phase to deploy on main net for testing. Block chain has limitation, Zeos needs to use layer 2 technology. Goes into details on progress. Brainstorming session, thinking about decision making. Wants a design to maximize the organization, with what we’re doing at Eden fractal we can really create very efficient cooperating mechanisms.
50:44 Dan suggests starting consensus, started fractal gram app, shared in zoom chat or telegram app.
55:35 Joe shared that he was at the unconference, opportunity to speak with creator of alien world. Apologizes for being late
1:02:34 Return to main room
1:02:41 Perry comments just got out of room where Rosmari was lead in his room, she did a great job
1:03:58 Jorge points out last week web app wasn’t working if someone didn’t have anchor wallet. Asks Vlad if he can provide support for android phones for Spanish speaking fractal. Vlad responds fairly easy to add wallets.
1:05:12 Dan also mentions if Vlad could add the wax cloud wallet too, but a similar on wax could be helpful. Great point Jorge. Dan shares overview of agenda topics. Rosmari has top topic to use notion, Dan made proposal for mission to collaborate, dan also made proposal about participation agreement. Perry made topic about discussing missing mission.
1:07:19 Rosmari prepared notion doc, shares screen using notion as a collaborative tool. Provides description and key benefits, easily share ideas, easy to navigate. People can collaborate simultaneously, it’s available 24/7. Can use notion for key topics, ie mission. Plenty features, ie add comments on someone else’s comments.
1:15:45 Dan shares link to main website for notion. Encourages everyone to use telegram chat. Dan reads out comments on Rosmari s proposal.
1:16:51 Marco likes the using notion idea,
1:18:04 Rosmari shares link for others to review in both telegram and zoom chat
1:18:17 Eric another advantage to using notion as a content manager, asks Rosmari if she sees this collaboration tool be used specifically in any work flow or process, any place she would start to make use of this tool, Rosmari Responds yes, for example the mission or agreement, any key topics. Maybe we could start using a cagendas notion in room chat for more transparency
1:21:58 Perry asks group how many different places do we post and interact in our group. Goes over apps currently being used. Noam mentioned might network, Dan explained thats the site that Joshua set up for fractal communities, not specific to Eden fractal. Core functions of Eden fractal, using multiple sites. Understands using a tool that is balanced but we have lots of tools. Thinks we should make telegram work, better off using something simple.
1:26:55 Dan reads out comments in chats,
1:27:17 Marco satisfied Perry’s comment , notion will contain more info than telegram. Wants to vote on this, it’s a place to store. Great place to save time. Shared notion.so link there telegram
1:28:46 Dan thanks Marco for sharing link, clarifies Rosmari’s proposal is a topic.
1:29:39 Eric has no problem with notion or telegram, how do we into design, etc. Always a constant look at platforms, what functions fit together.
1:32:07 Noam appreciates what Perry said, but doesn’t see a conflict in what Rosmari is proposing. Fully supports using notion as long as it’s clear
1:33:25 Tadas agrees with Noam, can use notion documents but once we get a document it should be published on centralized platform. Is there a cost in using notion
1:34:46 Dan responds to Tadas, doing a lot of research and collaborating with Rosmari. It’s free to start, if you go for certain amount of usage then there is a $10 fee. Dan has been exploring setting up that kind of plan and inviting people to use.
1:35:22 Tadas another perspective feels it’s not the idea tool for collaboration, the ideal tool would be more decentralized, it currently alternatives not available, could consider notion
1:36:05 Dan adds on as far as I know notion is close source, company based in calif but not a web 3 tool
1:37:05 Patrick supports notion web site, he is using zapier integration with notion. You can receive information an add or delete. Can use notion as a tool, then extract info.notion has great API, very supportive of notion.
1:39:06 Noam wondering notion is a tool for collaboration, Git for version control, where do we want to go , it’s more of a question, something we need to consider
1:40:17 Tadas responds excited to hear git brought into discussion, It’s version control on files. firmament is what he is currently working on. Its basically a Git model to do version control on consensus of a dao. Offers to send info on firmament
1:41:43 Dan would love to hear more about firmament, adds notion has some basic version control but not compared to Git. Vlad wrote firmament would be a great topic for meeting next week. Dan thinks notion is the biggest opportunity for improvement, explains why.
1:44:05 Patrick adds very quick about what Tadas is building will help us to breakout room. Wants to create telegram bot.
1:45:39 Perry wanted to share Git style repository, it’s a sophisticated tool, it may add unnecessary burden. Wants to encourage everyone to think about the tools we’re using. Doesn’t think using that is a positive. Notion may be good, it haven’t used. Mention google docs, necessity to keep in hands of average user. Encourages not go the git route.
1:49:02 Dan agrees about simplicity, dan is not technical developer but there is host where basic git hub is explained in easy to understand terms
1:49:54 Eric was a program manager, Chris engineer. Important to work at tool level than to jump to function. Notion is a good start to do those functions.
1:51:29 Perry adds phenomenon creating host creep, it’s a reality of building. Pushing to adopt task to store and maintain custody of platforms. Difficult to keep track of.
1:54:07 Dan shares response to Perry thinks it’s important to keep it simple. Loves the notion tool, watched dozens of videos. Pleasure collaborate Vlad and Rosmari. Notion has good back up features reducing dependency. Notions has good duplication. Perry mentioned tools, telegram is real time but things could get lost, notion can store more. Mentions all the features of notion. Plans to share educational resources, appreciates Rosmari for this proposal
2:01:07 Jorge shares his screen, pride on Spanish fractal exporting initial smart contract. Encourages Eden fractal to route of unknown and new paths. Proud of you all, for all your doing and all you’ve done. Let’s keep up good fight.
2:03:01 Dan reads out chats, hearts from many in group, thanks for inspiring words. Vlad commented in chat, notion doesn’t need to be proposal, like it use it.
2:04:25 Rosmari thinks we made huge progress on this topic, thanks everyone. We can always add new tools and still keep existing tools
2:05:50 Dan thanks Rosmari, as a community we can help educate each other. Cagendas hour formerly concluded.
2:06:58 Perry gives his take away from discussion , integration of telegram and notion, comments keeping decentralized is high priority.
2:08:46 Dan responds to Perry on decentralized , telegram faces similar web issues as notion. Doesn’t think telegram is much more decentralized than notion.
2:09:27 Lenny gives short tip, there is a saving folder on zoomchat
2:10:06 Dan thanks Lenny, he also encourages everyone to use telegram chat because it easier, automatically saves in telegram. Will Re propose topics that he proposed for next week. Suggests same for Perry, and mentions Tadas to make proposal on git for next week.
2:12:41 Perry makes a final note to defer discussion on our mission,
2:13:18 Dan briefly shares his proposal , our mission is to help people collaborate , create public goods and empower communities. Dans perspective delegates are expressing decisions, helpful to have mission statement, all having an alignments around a common goal. Gives some details on his thoughts. Community coming together and cool with sharing.
2:17:10 Patrick happy about building and collaborating, talks about brainstorming session on mission. Create your mission, then create your vision. Mission of Dan , collaboration, public goods ,we are help to help others. We are creating collaborative culture.
2:23:50 Dan agrees it takes time to come to consensus, excited about path that we’re on
2:24:38 Perry wants to illustrate his point, gives scenario on mission, and comments on mission and funding. Doesn’t lend itself to decentralized group
2:26:06 Dan responds to Perry about conversation they previously had, wants to focus on the mission, not one person is forcing a mission. Shares Article on mutually benefitting from misaligned goals from fractally white paper. Explains we don’t have a CEO, Dan cedes time to Patrick to respond to Perry.Patrick responds to Perry about his funding, encourages everyone to give funding to Eden fractal. Here for collaboration
2:33:21 Dan states as moderator this topic is closed, focus back on mission. Recommend people check out white paper. Excellent article by James Mart. There’s always an emerging mission. Personal missions in addition to community missions. Dan has been curating proposals for missions, anyone interested in helping that would be appreciated. Encourages everyone to check out Tadas article about potential conflict of missions. Adds updates on all upcoming events , Dan gives Noam information on alien world meeting. Encourages everyone to vote on topics. Dan explains how voting system is currently working. Go Eden fractal! Thanks everyone for coming and all the great work!
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Music by Kjartan Abel. More details at EdenCreators.com/attributions