EF 61: Growing Communities
What are the best ways to nourish communities? We explore four ways to fund fractals and help community members, including a novel concept to start a new kind of garden 🌱
Date: August 2nd, 2023
Table of Contents
- Highlights
- Growing Communities
- What are Community Gardens?
- Topics
- Timestamps
- Related Posts
- EF 60: Respect Trees
- EF 57: The Future of Creative Collaboration
- EF 40: Firmament, Albedo, and Emergent Missions
- Attributions
Please Note: These show notes are an early work in progress and will be updated in the future. Enjoy!
Growing Communities
In our 61st event, Dan Singjoy shared a presentation about this article at 1:01:37 and community members engaged in fascinating discussions amongst for the following hour. The solutions include selling goods and services, earning grants and sponsorships, respecting a token, and starting a community garden. Each solution has its pros and cons, and it may be best to use a combination of them.
Dan introduced an innovative idea about growing a Community Garden at 1:13:07. A prior idea was related to the original design of ƒractally and two of the ideas were inspired by articles from Tadas called Rewarding fractal contributors without issuing a token and Fungibility out of non-fungible tokens. The document also includes related resources for more information. Enjoy! 🌱
You can see a summary, more recent thoughts, and a project about community gardens in this page.
What are Community Gardens?
00:00 Welcome!
0:10 Dan opens meeting,
0:48 Eric tells link to sign up for open mic night, atgovernance.super.site. Get performance or attendee ticket. At Lisa’s coffee shop
1:09 Dan shares screen, gives presentation. Recaps recent weeks, respect trees, open mic nite, town hall, eos ship, fractalien world meetings. cagendas topics growing communities.
6:39 breakout rooms
8:08 Duane , met people, governance in Costa Rica, talking about governance to community.helped with open mic nite,
11:25 Rosmari uploaded fireside chat, thumbnails, editing videos, alien world fractal, brainstormed ideas with Dan
13:45 Noam looking at block chain wallets, details types of wallets.designing simple games. Mars conversation
17:38 CAC attended Eden on eos finance group, working on pitch decks, approved multi sigs
18:38 Dan shares screen , new idea Ceeds, growing communities, solutions for funding, nouns dao, new idea weekly show. Difficulties in software to distribute prizes from anniversary. Collaboration with wax, aquadac meeting, refreshed alien world vote. Prepares fractalgram Consensus Level 6-Dan, level 5-Duane, level 4-CAC, level 3-Rosmari, level 2-Noam Delegate-Dan
38:53 conversation on msig signings between CAC, Dan, Noam, mentioned psibase developers. Vlads tool in automation soon ready. Eos software, possible reach outs. Duane comments on beta testing Dac and dao tools, hypha accounts
47:07 Noam comments on short social games he’s thinking about, details thoughts
56:32 Return to Main room where
1:01:37 Dan shares screen, cagenda topics- growing communities. Upcoming open mic night on Aug 4. Anniversary prizes follow up. Goes into Growing communities topic, high level overview funding and growing communities.Focus on funding, outlines resources, selling goods, services, sponsorships and more. Tadas article, respect token, fractally white paper.Community garden, create ceeds, planting and sharing. Shows screen on nouns, nfts and funding
1:17:35 Tadas elaborates on article he wrote, design principle to create a fungible token without actually having a fungible token. Gives details
1:21:05 Jorge asks Dan tools used, AI generated. Gives his perspective on opines with nfts.
1:25:00 Tadas gives example of how it would work,
1:26:20 Perry comments it’s a form of barter system, details his opinion
1:30:05 Dan comments on discussion, agrees we are trying to avoid legal issues. Details his plan on how it would work and implementing. Gardening and growing, planting seeds(Ceeds)
1:36:04 Jorge on the need for more developers
1:38:42 Eric , Noam and Lisa comments we don’t do VAP, conversation on VAT tax ensues.
1:41:58 Dan brings focus back to topic, planting seeds, NFTs, system for community garden
1:43:36 Jorge comments on AI advancement and developers
1:45:48 Tadas comments on garden version,
1:46:50 Dan plans on writing more designs, main focus is to build this, potentially greater rewards
1:47:54 Jorge speaks of opportunity, dao training, explains his thoughts on this
1:50:57 Dan comments on Eden fractal tools, opportunities and training
1:52:35 Lisa , reminder we can’t ask people to purchase without risk. Started planet eyeke medium, looking to start you tube channel
1:56:15 Perry asks Tadas how eos gets in hands of contributors, Tadas responds. Perry gives an example how he thinks it would work. Conversation with group continues on this topic, legalities.
2:07:14 Lisa build basic stuff to build basic needs. Google play Dec 7, opportunities to get into approval process. Need to set up now. Need leadership to inspire developers
2:10:29 Jorge comments on respect trees that Tadas is working on. Tadas responds to Jorge on respect trees.
2:12:20 Perry how could we be tagged with legal liability if we are not using our own token.
2:13:57 Dan comments on symmetry between garden idea and respect trees
2:14:49 Duane Will-be coming back with more ideas, movement toward communities, instituting new product, bring something to the table, data at next meeting
2:17:14 Dan reads out chat, responds to perry, reading legal white paper. Operating independent of EOS. Perry chimes in with using different coins. Talks about Outline on ways for funding. Nfts technology, seeds with our garden. Selling goods and services.
2:24:16 Perry details what he envisions , set of contracts, not our token, no liability. We’re developing processes that will become valuable, something very good happening here
2:28:08 Dan also here to make best experience possible for everybody. Recommends reading Tadas other article. Talks about Perry last town hall. Responds to Lisa. Talks about open mic night. Starts wrapping up meeting, hats on! Go Eden fractal!
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Music by Kjartan Abel. More details at EdenCreators.com/attributions