Tadas releases the new Fractalgram app and the delegates approve two proposals to reconfigure the eden.fractal MSIG! The new configuration includes six new signatories, smart time delays, and a custom permission! 🔑
Date: February 1st, 2023
Please note that these show notes are a work in progress and will be updated soon.
- Highlights
- Fractalgram
- New MSIG Configuration
- MSIG Article
- Brainstorming Session
- Timestamps
- Related Posts
- EF 33: Exploring dNews
- EF 34: Updating the MSIG!
- Eden Fractal Brainstorming Sessions
- ETH 35: Art Fractals and Decentralized Governance!
- Attributions
- Thanks for watching! Enjoy!
Tadas introduced Fractalgram, an innovative telegram web app that helps communities cooperate with fractally or Eden style consensus meetings. You can read the introductory blog post, watch Tadas share a demo of the new app during last week’s meeting, and join the telegram group to learn more. The app features smooth integrations with the Eden Fractal web app and you can hear about on-chain compatibility here. The client side code is totally open source, which you can see in the Github repository. You can see Tadas announce Fractalgram in the Eden Fractal telegram group here. More details coming soon!
New MSIG Configuration
The following MSIG configuration was approved by Eden+Fractal delegates. Patrick introduced a proposal focused on the signatories at 1:07:52 and it was approved at 1:24:35. Tadas introduced a proposal for the full configuration at 1:31:01 and it was approved at 1:59:02. You can see an IPFS document with the proposal here.
The new configuration includes six new signatories, smart time delays, and a custom permission. The new signatories are Andrew, CAC, Gavriel, Marco, Perry, Sebastian, and Tadas. The time delays provide counterbalances between the various permissions to optimize both convenience and efficiency. The custom permission enables the ‘submitranks’ action to distribute respect each week. You can see the sections below about the MSIG article and brainstorming session to learn more about the design of this configuration.
MSIG Article
Dan created a new article to curate details, discussions, and proposals about the MSIG configuration for the eden.fractal account that helps facilitate Eden Fractal meetings. This article covers basics of Antelope permissions, previous configurations, design considerations, FAQ, community feedback, and ten proposals to update the MSIG created by community members in early 2023. You can read the table of contents and explore the full article here.
Brainstorming Session
Patrick hosted the fifth Eden Fractal Brainstorming Session, where Vlad, Tadas, Dan, Lennie, Marco, and CAC discussed the MSIG and Tadas created the new configuration. You can watch the full video, check out the swarmed tweet, and read an article about brainstorming sessions to learn more.
00:00:15 Dan opens meeting, recaps pre recording, welcomes first time attendees. Mentions Tadas new fractal gram 2, brainstorming session, two proposals
0:03:48 Dan starts breakout rooms
0:05:14 Tadas main contribution work on telegram page, helps fractally process with automation, released article explaining how to use tool. Participated in brainstorming session, came up with another proposal created poll in consortium. Working on permanent project, gave status update. Excited about integration with telegram . Invites everyone to join in testing project
0:07:45 Dan thanks Tadas, excited about this new tool.
0:08:02 Pascal asks Tadas what the app is supposed to do
0:08:08 Tadas responds to Pascal it’s basically a creation for a telegram poll, goes into details
0:09:23 Pascal main contribution published an article on extension of yield plus problem with defi, detailed article. ThiagoRe project update
0:12:30 Vlad mostly focused on next smart contract integration of what we’re doing. Updating issues causing a little problem, goes in details on what is needed. Participated in hypha’s workshop, insightful meeting. Using an application called nester? Possibly could be used at Eden fractal,. Brainstorming session.
0:15:18 Rosmari say it is her first meeting, asks for explanation on EOS.
0:16:11 Vlad explains EOS to Rosmari and the relationship with Eden fractal community
0:16:33 Rosmari is interested in blockchain and will research more
0:17:35 Tadas responds that it’s not often we get new people are not from blockchain
0:17:50 Rosmari likes the concept, trying to familiarize herself with it. New area to explore
0:19:28 Vlad said we can vote for Rosmari as level 6 to provide incentive to create account
0:29:51 Rosmari says it’s been great listening to everyone. Asks what are most people skill sets in high demand.
0:20:55 Dan responds to Rosmari that all kinds of skills are in demand, big part is community growth. Explains Vlad and Tadas are builders and dealing with codes, Pascal is an entrepreneur building new application. Many entrepreneurs like himself making videos, writing articles, mentioned Eric and what he’s doing. Any skill helpful and in demand because so many things are being built.
0:22:20 Rosmari says she’s a social media manager, explains her skill set. Works in marketing
0:24:51 Dan thanks Rosmari for sharing her work experience, hopes she will be inspired to attend future meetings. Looks forward to collaborate.
0:26:44 Rosmari asks how everyone communicates, is it in website, or in a group apart meeting, what are channels
0:27:11 Dan responds most communication in telegram channel, Vlad shared channels in chats.
0:31:20 Dan shares his presentation, published previous meeting. Summarized discussion. Main contribution creating article about msig. Detailed screen sharing, participated brain storming session, published 34th town hall, goes into details on town hall. Testing Tadas tool and shared feedback.
0:37:38 Tadas asks Dan what he was doing with Jordan Peterson,
0:37:41 Dan comments so far just listening, there is contact with Jordan Peterson with joe Rogan. He wants to do something similar to what is being done in Eden.
0:38:47 Tadas replies to Dan if Jordan Peterson would mention Eden fractal it would be great
0:38:52 Vlad comments imagine if he would join, Eden would explode
0:39:04 Dan replies Jordan is a great speaker, plans to reach out to him. Thanks Vlad for creating account for Rosmari. Using Tadas app fractalgram to come to consensus
0:40:54 Tadas shared link for Rosmari to join new telegram group. Explains how to use new app. Don’t need to do countdown, should be done within app.
0:45:27 Dan explains consensus to Rosmari, who voted for who
0:46:45 Tadas urges vote for Rosmari to incentivize first time attendees
0:57:10 Vlad elected as delegate, group 3
0:57:27 Pascal asks Tadas how this goes on chain,
0:57:26 Tadas replies 1 minute you will see it. Message he generated with this tool, you can see ranks, explains links which goes to Vlads app.
0:59:09 Dan starts return to main room asks Rosmari thoughts on first participation in consensus game
0:59:23 Rosmari comments it was very welcoming and interesting
1:00:07 Dan reflects on how community allows everyone to be heard.
1:00:28 Marco comments being heard and in alignment is not as common in large organizations
1:01:14 Dan reads out chats, going into structured part of meeting with proposals, misg proposal, proposal from Tadas. Reminds everyone to submit results in Eden fractal chat. Shares delegate spread sheet. Each proposal has 5 minutes, using clarification, reaction, objection sociocratic governance. Most votes is Tadas proposal . Comments on brainstorming session. Dan explains details on proposals.
1:07:52 Patrick focus on people joining msig first, who to add, who to remove. Using time delay or not. New msig participants added are CAC, Marco, remove chuck,
1:11:03 Dan clarifies names of people who are being added to msig are Andrew Ware, CAC, Gavriel, Marco, Perry and Sebastian. People being removed are Chuck and msig1111. Created an article at EdenCreators.com/msig, will update after this meeting but this is where to find answers on msig.
1:12:37 Patrick just to remind brainstorming session was yesterday with mindmap, video,
1:14:01 Marco requests Re list of last statement.
1:14:35 Dan replied to Marco that he believes Vlad and Tadas provided a link of relist, people are same in proposal, on brainstorming session Tadas was added to owners permission. Asks if anyone has clarification questions on Patrick’s proposal. Since no clarification questions, any reactions to share.
1:16:58 Dan and Perry have discussion on threshold discussion. Delegates decision
1:24:16 Marco commented he thought his delegation expired, wants to give one of his votes to Eric
1:24:35 Dan comments we haven’t established process, but it’s up to you Marco to give up one of your votes. Encourage everyone when selecting a delegate make sure they’ll be there, and check how many times elected. Moves on to voting on Patrick’s proposal, shares screen on votes. Proposal approved.
1:31:01 Tadas presents his proposal, shares screen, details proposal. Details thresholds.
1:35:07 Patrick reads brainstorming session mindmap notes from yesterday, confirming that yesterdays text is accurate.
1:37:09 Marco asks if the objective is to override any malicious intent before it goes on blockchain.
1:37:56 Dan responds it’s structured owner permission and active permission could step in to override if needed.
1:39:03 Perry asks Tadas asks for clarification . Questions why Felix is still on msig.
1:40:17 Tadas responds Perry’s first question on threshold.
1:41:20 Perry asks who or what is eden.fractal@eosio.code
1:41:43 Tadas answers Perry question on Eden.fractal@eosio.code. This represents smart contract , with ranking. Middle and owner contracts control the smart contract code.
1:43:04 Patrick comments that it very important to keep this permission because it enable Eden fractal to do actions within smart contract
1:43:29 Perry sees getting closer to centralization but not quite there. But thinks Controller of Eden.fractal@eosio.code is in charge
1:44:01 Tadas responds the control is active permission. Asks Perry to explain what he means by controlling code.
1:44:43 Dan responds it would be the active permission, developers develop in the code and the active permission gives weight of 6 to execute actions automatically. Initially introduced by James mart, without this contract we aren’t able to execute actions.
1:45:23 Perry rephrases question, if you wanted to add new contract… Could that be done by yourself without owner or active set
1:45:42 Tadas responds he could rewrite but it wouldn’t be uploaded to Eden fractal account. Confirms that one person cannot unilaterally react without active or owner permission.
1:47:08 Dan responds it is a bit confusing because we’re working with the technicalities of antelope permission system, but as far as I understand it is necessary to have that amount of weight to process as normally.
1:47:38 Vlad answers Perry’s question in regards to Felix, Felix replied he might be joining again, if not he can be removed. Confirms people in msig control Eden.fractal.
1:49:09 Dan explains there are 2 difference on Tadas sheet, one is that Tadas is on owner permission but not active or custom permission. The other is Edenfractal@eosio.code is not on owner, it doesn’t need to be there. Responds to CAC, who is responsible to monitor proposals and need to have a guide to stop any malicious intent. Vlad write in chat we are all responsible. As a community we need to secure the account and make sure we’re diligent in protecting the community. Will add guide to secure against malicious activity. Reminds everyone of hand raising guideline.
1:52:31 Patrick makes statement he thinks we can pass proposal today, thank you Tadas, Vlad and Dan for brainstorming participation
1:53:52 Dan comments we haven’t gone thru sociocratic method guidelines yet. Ask if delegates want to vote.
1:54:29 CAC commented that he feels Felix needs to be removed from msig until he starts showing up again.
1:54:50 Dan comments there are a few delegates suggesting a vote. Dan suggest we call a vote on Tadas proposal. Reminds everyone changes could always be made at later date. We could do another proposal next week to remove Felix. Dan calls on delegates, should we proceed with sociocratic method or just make vote now. Ask all delegates their preference. Vote 2 to vote, 2 to discuss. Dan clarifies who voted,
1:57:24 Tadas said if delegates choose to vote now , doesn’t see anything wrong with that
1:57:47 Dan agrees with Tadas, raise hands if you want to vote. Asks delegates if they agree to vote yes on this proposal.
1:59:02 Tadas shows spread sheet of votes, vote is passed, Tadas proposal is approved.
2:00:59 Marco asks why Eric is not on msig
2:01:36 Eric said he didn’t need to be on msig
2:02:15 Dan thinks Eric would be great on msig if would he like to be added at later date.
2:04:06 Dan explains Eric’s projects, Eric joining the town Hall.
2:07:51 Perry comments on threshold, Dan and Perry have discussion on threshold pros and cons. Would like to have discussion he feels we should have it. Thinks we need to reevaluate threshold. What is the thinking on a low threshold. Asks who would invest time in this.
2:10:14 Dan responds to Perry, Feels this proposal is good for now. Regarding custom permissions, total amount of risk with this is fairly low, owner and active permission have much great power and responsibility.
2:14:56 Perry protests this vote
2:15:01 Dan clarified sociocratic method was approved for trial not approved to be used every week. Thanks Perry for feedback.
2:15:51 Tadas comments that previous proposals doesn’t say sociocratic must be used, doesn’t see how we violated anything to vote. Currently 3 people can do the current transaction. Tadas feels there was enough discussion for all the delegates that voted yes.
2:19:48 Patrick and Perry go back and forth discussing proposal vote, brainstorming sessions.
2:27:18 Dan jumps in Patrick, Perry debate. Makes note of time, time to wrap it up. Reads out comments , reminds everyone for the time. Thanks newcomers for coming, ask for their feedback. Both Rosmari and space wrangler Joe responded they enjoyed it, learning a lot, commented on how much effort going into Eden fractal.
2:30:06 Joe introduced himself , heard about Eden fractal thru Lisa, comments on what he’s involved in alien world, artist. Fairly new.
2:33:47 Dan shared link to brainstorm play list,
2:34:18 Sebastian posted in Eden fractal telegram and discord. Asks Dan why don’t we open sub channel on Eden on eos group. Becoming more of a fractally model. Two problems , one is time, the other getting the right information.
2:37:56 Dan responds to Sebastian, it’s a great suggestion, mentions Marco made suggestion on connecting Eden fractal to Eden on eos.
2:38:56 Sebastian clarifies his suggestion, new Eden on eos group with topics, why not create Eden fractal topic.
2:39:14 Patrick answers Sebastian, comments Eden fractal circle,
2:43:30 Dan suggests to Sebastian to make a proposal on consortium to discuss this further.
2:44:14 Marco this is an attempt to humanize blockchains. Size of the group determines governance, details his thoughts on increasing our size.
2:46:53 Sebastian adds regarding member count changes everything, more people will need more time constraints.
2:49:27 Perry comments on what he values of Eden fractal.
2:50:53 Vlad comments we could agree we are slow in passing proposals, one method to accelerate is if just the delegates vote throughout the week. The proposals get locked before meeting starts , then show at meeting. As we get larger it will get messy to pass proposals.
2:53:56 Dan, Perry and Vlad discuss outside Eden fractal meetings. Patrick chimes in as well, describes the goal of brainstorming session.
3:00:31 Marco states we have a tool, if someone doesn’t like an outcome, make a proposal on consortium a
3:00:57 Dan thanks Marco, agrees yes we have that tool. We all have visions, a lot of complex topics. Encourages everyone be patient. Make a poll on consortium if you want change, thanks everyone, ends meeting.
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